Πίνακας Περιεχομένων
  • Επεξεργασία Σελίδας
  • Rust Testing Framework for Solana


    This is a beta version of the Solana Toolkit, and is still a WIP. Please post all feedback as a GitHub issue here.

    Add Dependency #

    Navigate to your smart contract directory and run:

    cargo add --dev litesvm

    LiteSVM Overview #

    LiteSVM is a fast and lightweight library for testing Solana programs. It works by creating an in-process Solana VM optimized for program developers. This makes it much faster to run and compile than alternatives like solana-program-test and solana-test-validator. In a further break from tradition, it has an ergonomic API with sane defaults and extensive configurability for those who want it.

    Minimal Example #

    use litesvm::LiteSVM;
    use solana_program::{message::Message, pubkey::Pubkey, system_instruction::transfer};
    use solana_sdk::{signature::Keypair, signer::Signer, transaction::Transaction};
    let from_keypair = Keypair::new();
    let from = from_keypair.pubkey();
    let to = Pubkey::new_unique();
    let mut svm = LiteSVM::new();
    svm.airdrop(&from, 10_000).unwrap();
    let instruction = transfer(&from, &to, 64);
    let tx = Transaction::new(
        Message::new(&[instruction], Some(&from)),
    let tx_res = svm.send_transaction(tx).unwrap();
    let from_account = svm.get_account(&from);
    let to_account = svm.get_account(&to);
    assert_eq!(from_account.unwrap().lamports, 4936);
    assert_eq!(to_account.unwrap().lamports, 64);

    Additional Resources #